| - Convenient one stop shop. The Washington/Buffalo store has always offered kind, friendly customer service. It's close to Trader Joe's so I can get my groceries done in a time saving manner. So drop the negative comments and find the silver lining.
Today, I found five aisles of toys including crafts, Playdoh, Barbie, and vehicles to browse, all the wrapping necessities and an aisle of art supplies. Storage containers are on sale for $4.99-$5.99, that's the step to cleaning up for 2017 and storing decorations. The pharmacist was helpful and pleasant, he was a busy one-staff unit and still helped me find the Zyrtec. The patrons and I smiled and sang to old school music like Shake Your Groove Thang ,. I found the other shoppers helpful, gracious and friendly. Hey, it's a three day weekend, life is good, enjoy and be kind to others.
Note: The garden area is already setting up for spring, bird feeders and amenities for plants line the shelves.