Worst customer service I've ever received when flying. At the Las Vegas airport and there is one person checking people's bags for carry on. The woman working was extremely unprofessional. Don't even care to know her name. We waited patiently for her to scan her tag on the machine saying our carry ons were fine... she then proceeded to us saying that we had to put them in the bag checker to make sure they were the right size. We walked over put them in and she walked away... then told us to show her again because she didn't see. We told her that it's because she chose to walk away. She approved our bags and continued to tell us that we had to put our purses in our bags. Repeatedly.. she then told us that if we didn't want to hear her speeches that we shouldn't fly United. She also told us that we should have checked in on our phones so she didn't have to help us. She kept telling us that we shouldn't fly United if we were this picky. Won't be flying United again to Vegas. RAISE YOUR STANDARDS