Took a brand new set of tires to get installed at this place including balancing. Everything went smooth. Fast forward 2 weeks when I took my car to get aligned and got balancing re-checked. I was told by the new shop that 2 of my tires were installed inside out. So the tread was facing backward. Also, the balancing was way off on the tires. Since I was about to sell the car I never went back to get it fixed.
5 months later I am in need of installing again 2 tires into a pair of wheels I already have. So no installing on vehicle, just mounting tire on wheel. I told the guy make sure they are installed correctly this time. He jokes and says we never gets it wrong. I called him out and said that I begged to differ. Anyway, he installs one tire I check it and it's good to go. The second tire I got distracted and forgot to check. Once I get home and get it off my trunk I find out that it is also installed backwards. So I had to go back and get it fixed. So TWICE they installed the tires wrong. Just horrible.
I went there because it is close to my house, but also felt good helping a local business. They have completely lost my business though. I am definitely not coming back.
As a tip if you go there, make sure you recheck their work when they are all done since it is obvious that they don't pay attention to detail.