Stopped in for incense and ended up finding a super purse for my old lady. Twenty six bucks for a Hot Topic looking pink punk purse. It was a belated birthday gift since the actual day of her birthday I went to Giant Pigeon at midnight to buy flowers and a trashy novel. Anyhow, same old Shoppe. Nothing ever changes. Which I like. I don't really get how a space this big that never moves any other merchandise stays open for this many years. Maybe they get by selling one used record a year. At the prices they want for some pretty common titles, it could happen. But all head shops ask for an arm and a bong for records(Daystar, etc). I guess if you're high as shit and see that CSNY lp you heard in Athens for the first time, you might be compelled to blow thirty bucks on something you could download for free. But yeah, what was I saying? A quiet, sparkly menagerie of baubles and fragrances sure to make any crappy WNCX playlist sound like a psychedelic symphony.