| - Okay so I assumed that if there's only 2 electric companies in a city and you don't have a choice which one you get with your residence, there wouldn't be much of a difference in service. Well. I guess I'm a fool.
I've been with SRP since I moved out on my own and I didn't love it because I was paying for a necessity but whatever. Responsibilities as an adult, right? Then I move to this place that happened to be in a small pocket in Tempe controlled by APS and BAM my electric bill went from $30/mo to $75. Well that's strange, maybe it's just some startup fees/deposit and I guess I accidentally left the heater on all day a few times. Oh, just kidding, I have SIXTY DOLLARS OF FEES. My actual electricity usage? $15. This is absolutely ridiculous. I'm sure my neighbors think they're living next to a psycho now, because you should've heard the tantrum I threw (assumption could also be due to me being alone most of the day, talking and singing to myself rather loudly, but lets disregard that fact).
Sweet, fee-less SRP, I can't believe I took you for granted. If I could, I would break my lease over this just to move back to you. Now I know why you're supposed to ask what electric company is used before you move into a place. (Very expensive) lesson learned. Once I'm out of here, APS is never going to see a penny from me again. Doesn't matter that my actual electricity service is fine (the 1 star), but the fees are just plain unfair and bad business practice. I can't believe they're still around.