| - Now, I should preface this review by admitting I am not a fast food fan. Having said that; An expensive Wendy's...That's how I see Smashburger. I seriously do not get the four and five star reviews. The BF and I went recently; he had a DIY Smashburger and I had the Avacodo Club Smashchicken (I don't even like typing the word 'Smashchicken'...ugh) which costs $7.29 WITHOUT fires and a drink. To me the chicken sandwich was anything I could get at Wendy's, except there, the fries and drink would have been included in that price! Like I said not horrible, but just not worth the moola. The burger was a little bigger than your normal fast food burger, but didn't taste any different. The SmashFries were ok, I guess. They are rosemary and olive oil or something. The staff was nice enough, but other than ordering, you don't interact with them a lot. It's not like a regular sit down restaurant where they take your order, bring you your food, then check on you (if you're lucky anyway). It wasn't a bad experience, just not what I was expecting. One of the reviews I read says Smashburger "aims to be a couple steps above Five Guys..." and to me Smahsburger, Wendy's, Five Guys, Burger's the same. I think I just hate saying Smashthis and Smashthat. Does that Mcremind Mcanyone of Mcanything?