If you buy a car here and think "This is great! Free oil changes!" then you should be prepared to wait 3 plus hours for a simple oil change. Last week my appintment to get my oil changed was at 8:15 am. I arrived at 7:45. I left at 12:00 pm. WTF?! This isnt the first time this has happened either.This is every single time. I literally have to have no plans for the day I go into to this place because half my day is gone by the time I'm able to leave.
Is the free oil change worth the wait? Im going with no.
On top of that the service manger, Benny is a complete ass. You ask him questions or tell him about an issue and maybe he'll grunt through his responses it only to then tell you he didn't find any problems and talk to you like you've never driven a car before and he knows everything. What a great customer service manager.