So I was just at Fair Trade downtown. And I have been in there more times than I can even count on all of my body parts and a girl walks up to me and says "Can I help you?" I say "No I'm ok." She Says "Have you bought anything in here today?" I say "No." She then tells me " Well you can't just sit in for hours (I had been in there about 2) and not buy anything." "Don't you know this is not a community center."
So Fair Trade is the new Community Center for all of phoenix. They will be holding Comunnity meetings every night.
Monday: How to Be More Aware of Your Community Folk and How to Not Discriminate
Tuesday: 8PM Story Telling of How You Were Discriminated Against
Wedensday: Choose Your Favorite Non-Paying Customer That You've Helped
Thursday: Come and Sit For Free All Day
Friday: Come in for Free Day
Saturday: Free Internet and Buy Nothing Day
Sunday: Stencil Your Name on The Bathroom Wall
By:Brooke Carpenter
To make sure you get in for free to these community meetings make sure you go in and sign up.
The first 100 customers to walk in a sign up for these community meetings gets a free Latte.
Any Questions about community meetings call (602) 354-8150