So I would like to give an update on this gym. I had wanted to close my account in December 2013, but the manager talked me into just putting a hold on the account, then he came up with some hog-wash story (that I bought hook line and sinker) about putting it on hold will lock in my price of $30/month. So if I decide to come back then I would get that price, because they would be upping the price. So of course I went ahead and did that. Of course they do not give you a courtesy call or email of when your time/hold is up, I put it on hold for 6 months, I should have known better because I am a forgetful person. So i get a call and letter saying that I am delinquent on my account.
They were not able to charge my card and saying I need to come in and pay the $30. I asked them if I could just cancel my account (seeing as I had already payed first and last months) of course they said no! I had to pay for the month because I did not catch it in time.
They do not care a bit about the customer, they have no customer service skills. I highly suggest you check out Planet Fitness. They are a lot more friendlier and work with you.