All I can say is WOW how cool the ginger a** of a bouncer must think he is for being a complete d*** for no reason.
The first experience I had with this bouncer was when I was sitting at a table and he asked for our ID's. I gave it to him with no problem and continued to talk to my friends/family since he so rudely interrupted. In a very aggressive rude manner told me to "look me in the eyes". Dude I'm sitting there with my parents enjoying my sisters graduation celebration.. no need to be rude. I get it's your job but seriously no need to be a prick about it. Not how you should be treating customers who are spending money to pay for your subpar hourly job.
Then, he told me to leave for literally no reason! Standing by the door with my parents getting ready to leave when we ran into a friend. This prick of a bouncer overheard my PERSONAL conversation and then came over to me in my face and said "miss do we have a problem" as I proceeded to tell him "no we don't" he told me I had to leave. I called him an a** hat after that (he deserved it).
After reading the reviews the morning after I am not even slightly surprised these are the types of people they have working here.
Thank god my sister is graduated and I never have to come back and see that loser of a bouncer again.
On a side note I was there the night before and had a GREAT experience with the couple bartenders working there. Very attentive and friendly. GINGER BOUNCER TAKE SOME NOTES YOU A** HAT!!
The Twat