| - It's not like you can go just anywhere for over the counter pharmaceuticals, hair brushes, feminine products, a $4 copy of Flashdance (1983) on DVD, and a turkey sandwich; office max and payless shoes certainly don't have this selection.
This is a convenient spot in Central Phoenix for picking up those cold and flu-pills, tissues, a bottle of water, filling a prescription (24 hours a day), or visiting their Take Care Clinic. Every so often I need to visit a medical professional to diagnose weather I've got Rhinopharyngitis, Pertussis, or the Avian Influenza. If you're like me, then the take care clinic is the perfect spot for you. Special note, if there's bone sticking out from your leg, you've shot yourself in the forehead with a nailgun, or forgot to properly secure the overhead lighting before stepping out on stage as Ebenezer Scrooge for the opening night of "A Christmas Carol", this is not where you want to end up.
Unless you schedule an appointment, getting in before the clinic opens at 8am doesn't really help much, you just end up waiting until 3-5 minutes before 8 so you can get your name in on the computer. If you're not quick about it, then some people who came in after you did might get in before can. I'd aim for about 10 minutes before 8, park yourself at one of their terminals and check every minute past 7:54 am until you get prompted to enter your name. If you're quick, you can get in and out. I heard some days are better than others, and some days have no wait at all. The day I was here, there were about 6 people all wanting to get their name in for an 8am appointment also; I ended up with the much desired #3, I think.
Aside from the whole getting your name in to the computer at the beginning of the day problem, the Nurse Practitioner was super friendly, knew her stuff, checked me out, and sent me on my way.
Happy Yelping Phoenix, you might want to try the ER if you're carrying your pinky finger in a cup of ice.