Don't get your SNS nails removed here.
I went in to have my SNS manicure removed, which they advertise as a product that strengthen your nails, only for them to rip it off by removing it with a tip for acrylics.
This damaged my nail beds, leaving them thin as could be. The manicurist only stopped when I told him that he needed to soak them in acetone instead of ripping them off the way he had, at which point one of my nails was already bleeding.
The girl sitting next to me was also having hers removed, her manicurist was using the same "technique" to remove hers, she ended up stopping him in the process and leaving because she couldn't take the pain.
These products need to be soaked off with acetone. It takes more time, Just like anything that needs to be done correctly. Injuring a paying customer simply to save time and effort is completely irresponsible.
I like growing my nails out to get nice manicures. I'll have to wait quite a while before I can do that again thanks to the manicurists negligence.
Needless to say, I won't be back.