We came on a day when they had dogs outside for adoption. We came on Friday the 3rd and fell in love with a pup named Troy. We wanted him on the spot. Ready to sign. But they said that we'd have to buy him that day and sign the papers giving us liability for his behavior, but we couldn't take him home until Sunday because July 4th fireworks. I mean, I've seen my parents adopt a lot of animals... And once you sign the papers, the pup/cat is yours. We left for a bit to think it over; once we returned, the woman "selling" them asked if we were going out the next day (July 4th) and that she'd need to call her husband to do a house visit. 1) it's none of your business what I'm doing on July 4th. 2) you're not coming to my house. We've adopted from the Humane Society and they didn't do that. It seemed kind of scam-ish. It was offensive and I feel bad for the dogs because we wanted Troy so bad, but they wanted our credit card information and to do a house visit while asking when we wouldn't be home, before we could take him home. Shady. We're sad, but hope that Troy finds a nice home because he's awesome. We still want him if PetSmart themselves could adopt him to us. Cut ties with whoever that vendor is. Troy would be cozy at home had his sellers not demanded to inspect our house and ask when we'll be gone for the 4th, when that was never a stipulation before we asked to take him home on a day before the 4th. Super bummed. Going to stick with the Humane Society - as they're not money hungry and shady.