I've been here a few times now with some friends and I'm unsure if I like it or not. I do think they do a good job with my toes and nails, but the place is a bit dirty and not properly kept.
There isn't a cash register. All the money is kept in one of the techs drawers. It's just loose money. Every time cash is needed, the owner has to go there and even if she has a client, he was to stop the service to get change.
The tools they use for pedicure is a bit odd. Magazine papers below your feet if you're getting a special pedicure. Small cut up pool noodle to prop feet up while they scrub. (and I'm pretty sure this is what it is), A zester (like the one you use to zest lemons) as a foot scrubber for callus.
Not sure how 'to-code' that is.