| - This place is the worst! Old, smelly, falling apart. It's like taking a time trip 20 years back, but without any of the fun.
First of all, what's up with the mini golf? It literally looks like they kept the original course from when this place was built and never bothered to touch anything up. Plaster scenery is falling apart, holes are plugged up. Where's my spinning windmill!? You can't have mini golf without that! Not to mention the course is right on a major road. Don't hit your ball too hard, or you'll have to run into traffic to go get it. That might be a little more entertaining though.
The arcade is pathetic as well. Where are all the games? There's about 20 machines, and the majority of them are falling apart from old age. Good luck winning enough tickets for a Tootsie Roll. The candy is probably expired anyway, just like Crackerjax. Stay out of those bathrooms unless you want your shoes soaked in urine.
Back to outside though... Half of the "attractions" weren't available when we went. And what's up with that discount EPCOT ball? That's not how Spaceship Earth is supposed to look! Finish that thing up guys, you're half way there! You just have to believe in yourself!
And by the way, don't ever leave your car in the parking lot past closing time. Otherwise they will lock you in and you'll have to spend 15 minutes arguing with the midnight cleaners (who are stoned out of their minds while pretending to be Ghostbusters) to unlock the gate so you can go home. No joke, they told me I could just wait there until morning for the manager to arrive to get my car out because they thought I might steal something if they unlocked the gates. What would anyone steal from here? Finger puppets?! The only thing good about this place is that I ended up with a new "worst place to visit." I wish I could give you 0 stars, because I would in a heartbeat... twice