I received a gift certificate from my boyfriend's mom for Christmas and I put off using it because the reviews of this place were kinda scary. I've never had a massage before and i've always wanted one so I decided to use my gift certificate on that. I was able to get an appointment the next day because someone had canceled so that was a nice surprise. My first impressions of the place were as many had perviously mentioned, not very appealing, broken fountains, chipped paint, not so clean carpet.. but everyone who worked there seemed to be friendly. Going into my appointment I had no idea who my masseuse was going to be but I knew that I didn't want to be with Olga because of the terrible comment I read about her making someone cry. But of course, after sitting in the waiting room for about 15 minutes (I was early) I hear, "Paula? I'm Olga.." So of course I was very nervous! But to my surprise Olga gave me a very pleasant experience! The massage was very relaxing, at some times it did hurt a little but nothing that I couldn't handle. I think this spa has so much potential! I just wish they'd take the time to clean it up a bit, fresh paint, new couches? I hope people give this place a chance and don't go in nervous like I did!