An amazing holiday event that is a must visit each year. It's also a wonderful event to take out of towners or to give as a gift.
The Luminarias is an adult holiday extravaganza! This event includes 11 bands from swing to carolers. My favorites were the Travelers who not only played incredible music but put on a good show, Chris Burton Jacome, Spanish Guitarist, who put on such an incredible beautiful and relaxing show and the Carolers who made you feel that Christmas had arrived. This whole thing is set up in such a beautiful location with hand lit luminarias. The garden had stunning sculptures pepped throughout by Carolina Escobar (changing exhibition) and Chihuly in the entry to the garden. To boot there are plenty of bars serving wine, hot toddies and hot chocolate for the kiddies. In addition, you can purchase meal tickets to their buffet which never lets down on a good meal where you can meet and chat with great people.
All in all, it's a MUST visit with family and friends. It always provides a wonderful evening.