So after quite a bit of day drinking, and a nap that lasted for far too long, we woke up and came here for dinner at like 12:30 a.m. and there were plenty of people outside still. We found a table outside and waited for a 15 minutes before someone even came over and acknowleged us. We were getting pretty irritated when finally a guy comes up and asks if we'd been helped. After we told him no, he said ok and walked off...within like 2 minutes he was back to take our order.
There were 3 of us, and we all ordered burgers with fries and a water. I got the 1/2 lb fatburger with the skinny fries. It came out after a brief period and I devoured it. I hadn't eaten since lunch, and it was delicious to me. Looking back, it was probably just average, but delish at the time. It was juicy though, and had great toppings. The fries were good too.
I thought this place was ok. I'd probably come back- if I knew we wouldn't have to wait so long to order. Prices weren't too bad