I was at the gun range on 1/16/2017 with a new gun to sight in. The Colt 1911 had adjustable Novac sights on the rear. After shooting a number of clips through the pistol I noticed there was a large gap on the rear sights of the pistol. After examination I realized the screw on the rear ramp had loosened and come off the gun. I managed to find the ramp and and the screw that had loosened but was missing two springs the size of the lead in a #2 pencil and maybe 3mm long at the most. Three individuals with phone flashlights were looking for the springs on hand and knees. When I started to leave the range Mr. Roberto Perez said I looked kind of down and asked if I was OK. I told him my story and asked if he knew where I might buy the needed springs. He gave me some ideas but then said wait a bit and let him work on it. On his own, he took a light back to the range and dug around on his knees and found one of the springs. He made my day, night,week, etc. Still looking for the other spring but what an incredible exposure to value added service and care.
Thank you so very much for being such a caring range officer. Your attitude and extra effort is what builds long-term loyalty to a business. Thanks again Roberto, and thank you Shooters World for staffing your store with "top drawer" employees.
P.S. If anyone comes across the other screw, please give me a shout out. Folks this is the size of spring Roberto found: ==.and it was the same color as the floor.
Dennis R