I have been coming to the Purrfect Auto on Fort Apache near Flamingo for a couple years and have not been disappointed..Chevy will go above and beyond to get the job done and do it rite. My check engine light was on for years. I took my car to a mechanic that at the time I used regularly to have him fix it and paid a good amount of money just for the light to come back on and then for him to tell me he should of charged me more because it was a hard job. When I took it back to him he said he couldn't do anything else as he didn't know what the problem was. Chevy worked on it till he got the light off. So no more jumping thru hoops to get my smog for reg renewal since there is no more check engine light on. It took a couple times of me taking it back but he got it. I recommend this place to all. Chevy and his crew will take care of you!