| - Just one of those things. How I ended up here, it just ended up that way? It was early, was more hungry then usual. Didn't have time to get a bowl of cereal at home. So on my way to work I was deciding whether I should stop somewhere to grab a bite or just get to work. The closer I got to work the more I was talking myself into grabbing something to eat. So, I seen this little place. Had a 24/7 sign lit up. AT 6:00 AM, there isn't many choices to grab something. So I pulled into the drive through. I really wasn't that impressed with the breakfast burrito selection. They only had three? Machaca, Bacon and Eggs, and Chorizo. I was going to order the Machaca, but I was more in the mood for Chili Verde. So I asked if I can order off the menu, I asked if they can make me a Chili Verde and Egg burrito?
Note: When I was a little hombre and visited my grandparents in Arizona. Grandma fed us chili verde all the time. Growing up in the years, chili verde was my favorite meal and to this day it still is. Now back to the review!
So after asking them for the request, they said no problem. And of course I added my 6:00 AM diet coke with the meal.
First, the burrito is a very decent size. I took the meal to my office. They wrap the burrito in a foil so it was still very hot when I started eating it. Kind of funny, their chili verde actually reminded me of how my grandmother use to make hers! It was very good. Had a nice kick, was to soggy, and had plenty of pork. I like two kind of chili verde. My mothers, which is more mild but explodes with flavor. And my Grandmothers, which has a nice kick but still have enough flavor.
I was diffidently surprised by this place. Did not expect how good their chili verde was. They were very nice to allow me to order off the menu. Very gracious about this and will come back to dine in at a later day.