Before hidden fees your price quote will be under $1,000, after expect over $1,500. Electricity averages about $400/mth for one bedrooms. The management is in some kickback deal with a local tow company and in over a year every resident I have met has had their vehicle towed more than once. You call to retrieve it and people are paying between $800 and $2,000. My car was towed out of my assign space with that make, model and plate written on the lease belonging to that space. The reason? I was on vacation for a whole five days and since it hadn't moved it was "abandoned", my neighbor was towed the day after her registration expired, another elderly women's car was towed for "suspicious activity" because she left her purse in the passenger seat. Huge towing scam running here.
The office staff handles all complaints with lies on top of lies. Sometimes just simple things which is really bizarre. Dog poop every two steps. The pools are green. Apt maintenance (not a pool company) is in charge of the pools and don't even clean the filters. Once a week they throw a bag a shock in them. Lawn care is done by a bunch of illegals that harass the female residents and break into vehicles. The cops were called just last week when one supposedly tried to grab her a young women on her way to work. Same guy was smoking pot sitting on a residents porch wall yesterday morning.
Money grubbing and despite the fact the grounds look like a Detroit ghetto, residents are literally being fined for curtains and doormats. Maintenance people have cop complexes and the entire place operates with an us v them mentality. Dog barking is all day and all night. White trash, drug addicts and domestic violence is rapidly outpacing clean employed residents.
Everyone moves after the first year because the average rent increase is about 40%. EVERYONE I spoke with has been sent a bill for around $10,000 after move-out and many now have collections and law suits ruining their lives. Thieves target people moving in and out. A lot of registered sex offenders and felons living here despite the supposed background checks you pay for. Everything is the cheapest possible. The carpets are so cheap that every tack strip sticks through and stabs you. The "wood" (aka cheap plastic) floors peal up. Only the parts you can see are cleaned. Our filter literally had 5 inches of build-up and two vents were blocked by build-up. I sent a list of about 20 items to fix at move in. Three weeks later a guy showed up and read two or three items along with why they couldn't fix it (like melted fixtures, missing trim and broken appliances). We always pay rent 5 days early but have heard many complaints that you get a $100 late fee at 5pm on the first.
The two really good reviews below literally have photos of the office staff on them! Several neighbors have posted bad reviews and the management retaliates and threatens to sue yelp to get them removed. They brag about this! I posted some real photos but figure they will be removed.
First impressions are very deceiving here. Talk to residents on your own without the management knowing and you will go running the other way.
As of 2018 they were offering a $150 reduction in your move-in costs for positive yelp reviews to cover-up the complaints.