I took an online class for MAT151 and i got an A in it. In the syllabus it says you MUST purchase the textbook and the access code from Rio Salado book store, which is not true. They literally lie to you and make you pay around $100 more. You can purchase the access code from MyMathLab and you don't need the book (but they don't tell you that in the syllabus.)
The online course was pain in the A*$. When you do the homework, the video clips they use to help you with your homework are very old and sometimes won't even help you understand how to solve the problem. You can literally go to YouTube and access free videos that will help you understand the material 10 times faster and better than what you paid for.
The testing center is pretty bad also. You will be sitting in a room with other students who are taking different tests for other classes and some students will be typing on their keyboards the whole time. They won't let you use a pen to use on the scratching paper and force you to use a pencil, which i hate so much. Chairs are old and if you make any move it will squeak.
I got an A in this class thanks to YouTube and other websites that helped me for free.