We ventured into this store because my husband had a gift card. Both upper and lower levels are drab and unorganized. Gone are the days of clean, orderly displays that entice a shopper to browse. Extinct are helpful sales associates. My mother worked for Sears for many years back when the company treated its associates well and held them to a high standard. We browsed for about 15 minutes and spent another 30 trying to get checked out. The first set of registers on the upper level were manned by three people, but no one was moving. Some girl with an IPad was asking people for their names and numbers for a raffle. Um Miss could you hop on a cash register? Finally, we decided to go downstairs. The second register featured a befuddled cashier trying to find a missing tag on a sweater. So, onward we plodded to the third bank of registers. There was a young man and woman there. He was trying to help two people at once in a not so efficient way. Not his fault. He was on the phone with Sears' infamous customer support. The girl ran out of tape on her register and bitched that she asked for more over an hour ago. A second girl showed up to relieve the first girl. Before she could get started helping the now mile long line of customers, yet another girl pulled her away. I heard her say, "But there's a line." The other girl laughed and said: I just need a minute. Um seriously???? So my star is for the poor guy left behind actually working. He just shook his head. We FINALLY got checked out and he offered us coupons for a future visit that both he and we knew was not going to happen. So long Sears.