Rolberto's, I can't tell you how much I love you and how, when all others have abandoned me, you are always there for me right after the bars close but before I pass out. And even when I want to take you to bed with me, you've always been agreeable. Sometimes the only way I know for sure that I had a great night is when I wake up on the couch with a pounding headache and one of your half-eaten Carne Asada burrittos on my chest.
I love your nachos, your taquitos, I'm sure if I was into lengua I'd love that too. The only time you've ever let me down is the chorizo and egg buritto. Even though it was lacking in taste, I love everything else so much and you've been there for me on so many inebriated nights that, tasteless chorizo aside, I still l love you and know you'll ALWAYS be there for me.