Dr. Plonk is fabulous! Seriously, if you are on the hunt for a pediatrician, he is truly amazing. Providence Pediatrics has moved since we started going to them, but our loyalty to Dr. Plonk is unwavering and I drive past several other pediatrics offices to get there (which, admit idly is a pain)... but, his kind bedside manner and his trust in a "mother's intuition", with his own dose of intuition has worked wonderfully for our family of three daughters.
He has called to check in on a very sick child, offering to work with our health care provider for in-home nursing care if we got too overwhelmed-- this all on a Saturday. He called every day for a week to check on her (and us). He has reassured a desperate mother that her unruly child was just "spirited" and "strong willed."
His father was a country doctor and Dr. Plonk has that same genuine care and concern that I imagine (and have heard) that his father had.
Unfortunately, we have had some medical bumps along the way and Dr. Plonk has helped us navigate through these tough times.
Beth Haynes is also tremendous at this practice.
Dr. Plonk is 5-plus stars and their practice is, too.