If times are ever desperate enough, I know I can raid our video library and make a little money selling them to Zia. As painful as it would be, I'd even consider selling my Charmed DVD collection, so long as the price is right.
Zia is an amazing store where I've spent entirely too much money and grown our video collection substantially. Zia is where I went to get all the Saw movies prior to seeing the most recent instalment in the theater. And Zia is where we've purchased several records/vinyl.
I have the Zia card but haven't a clue what it actually does, outside of tracking what I buy and how frequently I wander into the stores. While this location is in our neighborhood, I have to admit the location in Tempe has proven more fruitful in tracking down some really cool CDs. That's where I found a box set of David Sedaris audiobooks.