I thought this doctor used to be ok, but after taking my son there the last few times, it is obvious that she is only interested in collecting the office visit copay. God forbid you go in there with more than one issue, she will want you to make a separate appointment. I have to take my kid to another doctor because they don't take our new insurance. Since the wait to see the new doctor is over a month, and my kid is running out of his medication, I called to see if she would write a prescription for a one month supply to hold him over. NOPE! She wants us to come in for a followup and pay cash for the visit (isn't it bad enough that I have to pay $250 a month for these meds to begin with??)!!! Mind you, my son has been taking these meds for 6 months and already had a followup a month later, but now he needs another followup after I ask for one more month???? Additionally, she offered and gave my son the HPV vaccination, but never told us he had to come back for two more shots....I had to find out online. Wtf??? She doesn't care about her patients, only working the system and taking advantage of people and getting in their pockets! Do yourself a favor and go somewhere else!!!