| - So sad we chose this for dinner. It was the third strike, should have known better, shame on us. Ugh, where to start, my better 2/3'rds wanted curry, we opted to try something different and went with pineapple beef curry. Spice level he wanted low, so we went with a level that was supposed to be a two. It was a twelve. The only flavor we could get from it was heat and we love and can tolerate heat but this was supposed to be a two, if there was no heat however, there would have been zero flavor so angry butthole it is. It was full and over populated with onions, never had this in description on menu and he hates onions, we literally got out a strainer and strained the curry sauce over the under-cooked rice so my poor love could at least not whither away. The beef, well, wheres the beef? There was supposed to be some beef, there was two small corn flakes of beef. At this point I wish we had just done Corn Flakes and milk for dinner because it would have been better, waaaaay better and more flavorful. He ate two tablespoons of curry and made a darn frozen dinner from freezer, that bad. The spring rolls, oh the spring rolls, there was no dignity nor pride in manufacturing theses monstrosities that were wrapped looser than a two buck whore. Absolutely terrible. Even the peanut sauce sucked and lacked flavor. I actually asked for fish sauce instead as a substitute but they apparently don't listen so horrible prideless peanut sauce it was.
Oh for the grand finale of this horrible, tasteless, lackluster dinner....picking up the order. Gosh, I walk in, there is five other individuals waiting for their orders to deliver. Yes, Door Dash, Grub Hub, Uber Eats get the picture. They are all pissed because they had been standing/waiting there so long to deliver completed meals that were just chilling, yeah, getting cold on one of the tables waiting to be handed over so they could be delivered for over twenty minutes. Sorry to the ones that had to endure the wait (and the poor delivery drivers), sorry to the ones that may or may not have ingested this poor excuse of Thai and Viet food, it sucks :(