| - Wow!
This location has really gone downhill. We have been coming here since I was a teenager and never had an experience like the one we had last night.
First off, our poor waitress. Only 4 days on the job and having to take the brunt of her co-workers and manager's bad choices.
My mother, daughter and I came last night after I got home from work and not really feeling up to cooking. We live to come here as we generally know what to expect.
Apparently not last night..
First, we stood waiting for someone, anyone to seat us. Eventually I sent my daughter to look for a table and then sent them to sit while I continued to wait. When the greeter finally got around to noticing the backup at the door, she tried to seat the group behind me. At which point one of the ladies in the group told her to help me first. Thank gawd. I probably would have just gone off.
I grabbed some menus and followed my family.
The waitress was at our table a few minutes later, taking our drink orders.
Now, I will admit my family, my mother especially, are picky eaters.
As any new waitress will tell you, write down picky orders. Ours was smart enough to do this and saved her tip!!
Everything was kewl till our food was delivered. The greeter brought our food over as the waitress was quite busy, otherwise it might not have reached our table wrong.
My mother ordered the chicken fried steak with gravy. The only unusual thing about her order was she wanted brown gravy instead of the country gravy.
When it arrived with the wrong gravy, she sent it back. Both my daughter and I finished our food, and I went to the restroom and out for a cigarette before they brought out my mother's food..
So a good 45 minutes.. for something that would take less than 10 minutes to make.
And what they brought.. my daughter sent me a text with a pic that had me rushing back from my cigarette.
They had brought her the exact same plate of food, minus the gravy.. which they literally just scraped off and flipped the chicken fried steak over and reserved.
Now, remember, it's been 45 minutes!! So this plate of food sat in the kitchen for 45 minutes and was then served to a customer.
Can you guess who was in the kitchen this entire time? That's right, the manager!!
I felt awful for the waitress, none of this was her fault. She took the order correctly.
We had my mother's order removed from the bill, but I have to yelp this.
It was just so ridiculous, and for a restaurant manager to send it out himself was just appalling.