I came here to get my watch battery replaced. The actual service was super quick but it took about 15 minutes for someone to come out and assist me when I first walked in. Otherwise, I would have given a full 5 stars.
Regular price is $10.75 for a battery replacement but I checked in on yelp and got 10% off... $9.67 total for a new battery. I have paid more at other places so I was very satisfied with this price.
The guy that assisted me was nice. He didn't know about the yelp deal and was a little confused but still gave me the discount anyways. I'll be coming here in the future for any battery replacements.
The only thing I absolutely did not like was that they didn't give me a receipt. I paid cash and just walked out. Didn't even realize it until after I left. It's not that big of a deal but if anything happens, I'd have no proof that I was even there *shrugs.