| - As a yoga practitioner for many years, I like to keep up my practice when traveling.. Inner Vision Yoga in Tempe and Chandler ( it's one organization with two studios and you can attend classes at both locations interchangeably) fit my needs to a tee! It's an aesthetically calming facility, with bathroom and even shower. But what really matters is the instruction. I took a variety of classes in both locations ( I found the lake location in Chandler more personally pleasing) and enjoyed them all. The classes are exactly what they say they are on the site.
Level 1 is truly level 1, with a focus on the breath and the foundations ( shout out to Josh Rothman). A mixed level class (yoga for Lunch) gives students the option to remain in a basic pose or layer on more challenges, with no performance pressure and gentle reminders to do what is right for your body in this moment. Students felt as comfortable simply being in balasana ( child's pose) as did those aiming for the more challenging version like Eka Pada Rajakapotasana. Studio owner Jeff Martens is an incredible teacher, gently adjusting poses for better alignment while speaking softly to remind everyone of the proper positioning and to tell inspiring spiritual stories and lessons. I loved his parable with the lesson (my paraphrase): "We are all each of us, always right. You are always right. But are you the right that you want to be?" I'm adding to my review of the Chandler studio because I found another great instructor today in Tempe--Michelle Dante, whose soothing voice and slow motion made the Yin Yang Class and the Visualization class truly renewing and restorative.
The studio offers great deals for first timers (currently unlimited one month pass for $39!) so go and try it out. Try different styles and teachers and locations, and I bet you'll be hooked before the month is over (FYI, they offer the popular hot and Vinyasa yoga styles too. A little something for everyone!) The unlimited one week visitor pass for $50 was worth every penny; I took 7 classes, learned new tricks and heard some great spiritual teaching. I return to my regular practice renewed, refresher, and reinvigorated. Trying new things changes the way everything looks.