REI is quickly becoming my ultimate guilty pleasure. If I'm not walking through the front doors, I'm scouring the website for some sort of outdoor equipment that I MUST HAVE.
There are always tons of employees on the sales floor and everyone is super friendly. If you aren't asking someone for help, they'll track you down and making sure that you are aware they are there to answer any questions. Everyone who works there is an outdoor enthusiast of some type, whether it be camping, biking, backpacking, etc. If you are in need of specific help you are guaranteed to find someone who has knowledge in the area of expertise you need.
My girlfriend recently purchased a Columbia vest, only to have the seam rip a month later. Returns? No problem. They didn't have her size in the store to exchange but they found one online and sent to our house.
When you checkout you have to opportunity to sign up for a membership. I *think* it's only $20 but don't quote me on that. You end up getting member only benefits, coupons, and a divided once a year based on how much you spend. There are also classes and don't forget the entry into the yard sale. Love REI. I really want to go shopping now.