| - LMFAO this place is ridiculous first off
Customer Service in the Beginning was not too bad the guy was pretty cool to me asking what i was looking for and what i was using it for.The price this is the LOL part 1 foot of kicker 0 gauge does NOT cost $20 im sorry where the hell are you ordering your products from. His exact words "yeah bro 50' of that wire costed me 1000 bucks". HAHA for a fuse holder 29$ ?!?! are you kidding me. Ive been heavy into car audio for a hell of a long time, from building walls, alternator brackets, battery racks, 6 DC audio 12s walled, 4 SMD 18s walled, Well needless to say i didn't want to say anything because he was feeling pretty proud of himself like he knew what he was talking about so i decided not to kill his vibe. He went on saying what im using the wire for. I told him that was doing a another build soon so wanted to run more 1/0. I am currently running 3 xs power d3100s so i wanted 2 more power wires running to it. He insisted i only need one power wire and one ground from the you cant charge 3 batteries with one run of 1/0, secondly he told me not to use fuses, WTF where did you find this guy i realize in SPL build some people do not use fuses to the amp because its another break that electricity has to pass through but these people KNOW what they are doing AND they still use fuses for the batteries, running 3 external batteries with no fuses and 10,000 watts is an atomic bomb waiting to happen if a power wire grounds out. He then asked what kind of amp i was running and what kind of alternator, im running a Sundown NS-1 which puts out at around 6500 watts, he insisted that the amp is not capable of that, DOES HE NOT KNOW WHO SUNDOWN CAR AUDIO IS, sundown makes some of the best car audio things a long with DD, DC Fi and the rest in that category. He then told me that my 220 amp alternator is not going to charge those batteries and that a his alpine m1000 and alpine 4 channel shot is 200 amp alt. idk how hes hooking up things but thats not supposed to happen i ran a t1500 on the stock alt and a rockford t1000.4 with a xs power d3100 up front with no problem. Im sorry but this place is definitely not the place to go to. I called Court over at 808 Car Audio Evolution and the customer service and prices were outstanding and hard to pass up. For the same exact 0 gauge he was charging $4.25.
In all if your looking to get ripped off this is definitely the place for you.