Charter/Spectrum installation process is a total mess. They do most of their instals using a third party subcontractor. Than the third parties only do very specific things. Problems always occur and they do not coordinate resolution with other third party subs, and charter reps seem to have no influence over subs. Stories from each sub is different and blames the other for issues. Every switch of responsibility goes with a two week or more delay for scheduling. Than when scheduled date arrives it is often postponed or rescheduled. Each day they are scheduled to be there you need to reserve the whole day so when they show up they can work, otherwise another delay.
I am in the process of getting hooked up to a two room office and its been a 3 months since we started. To date not a single bit of work has been done. Don't rely on getting a buisness up and running with them. To bad i thought that getting all services from one source was best. (Telephone, cable, internet). You become dependent to a monopoly who really doesn't care