| - I'm a hard man to fit when it comes to clothes. Between having a beer gut that only June Shannon can eclipse, having no ass that anyone can seem to find, and being long in the arm and short in the leg, fitting me is a hell of a challenge.
As such, I have to get a lot of my clothes these days custom tailored.
I found The Fit on Yelp when I punched in "tailors" into the search. it didn't come up first as Yelp is a bit screwey that way, even though it was closest to my house.
Drove over, got fitted. Had a 3 piece suit that needed to be butchered and put back together for my brother's wedding. Ever try to fit a vest over a large belly? Its super fun!
But the folk at The Fit got me dialed. And did it in an ingenious manner. They took the extra fabric from the legs of my pants, stitched it into the sides of the vest where the fabric meets the silk, and had it looking like it was factory made that way.
That's skill. Plain and simple.
This place wasn't cheap, it was $118 for a full rebuild on the vest and pants and shortening the arms on the jacket. That might seem like a lot, but for a fit as nice as they gave me on this suit, it was worth every penny.
I'd recommend this place to anyone who needs custom fit clothing and who is tough to fit.