The food is greasy and fun...each year you wonder what else are they going to deep fry on a stick?
Parking is expensive. Rides are ok. Junk food is diverse.
Animal exhibits are the same stinky walk-thru every year. Just wander thru the cow exhibits--watch out for cow poop piles or chance catching e-coli on your shoe bottoms.
You feel like you need to wear sunglasses and headphones to avoid aggressive shammy sales people in the commercial building.
The State Fair still feels ghetto. It's not as bad as it once was 20 yrs ago (I remember going on the same day someone was murdered and stuffed in a trash can). It's still old, dirty...and gross.
The AZ State Fairgrounds needs to be badly updated. I wish they would just sell the land and build a bigger and better location outside of your money and drive over to Anaheim/Buena Park in California if you want fun.