| - I was in town for work and had just stuffed myself on items I used to eat all the time that I cannot get in my current city (truth: the reason I rented that car was so I didn't have to eat at the conference hotel). I was super full. Arizona did not have Cap's when I lived here, so I wasn't expecting to see one as I stopped into Walmart for some items I'd forgotten to pack. I think I yelled out loud, so excited to be able to get a Bobbie on this trip! My full stomach did not deter me, I was now on a mission.
I walk in, it's empty, and the teenage dude behind the counter looked way less than thrilled to be working (I get it, nobody is stoked to be at work, but fake it 'till you make it).
Me: Large bobbie, please.
Dude: Uh, you know that's like, 20 inches right?
Me: Yup. I am aware.
Dude: Uh...... ok.
Usually the service at Caps is a bit better, but no matter, I was after a giant Thanksgiving sandwich, and that is what I got. That sandwich didn't make it out of the parking lot before I started on it, and I happily munched on it through the duration of the trip. No shame when it comes to food not available to me at home!