Dreams do come true! if you dislike car shopping, from the disceptive practices, to the time spend in dealerships. Carsultants is the way to go!
I was recently in an auto accident and my car was totaled. I had to get another car and due to injuries just couldn't navigate the car lots and the added stress of car shopping. A friend told me about Brian.
He is amazing! I made a phone call, told him what I wanted, he did all the homework, haggling, and paperwork. He offered to pick me up and drive me to the dealer. When I arrived at the dealership, the paper work was complete all I did was sign and drive off. That's just the beginning of his caring and kind ways. He called to check on me and ensure I was pleased with car and his services. It just doesn't get any better than this.
I will never buy another car again without his services.