They lose a star because everything is so outrageously priced. However their man in the plumbing department has saved me a bundle. I have a friend who is employed by Larkin
Plumbing. They want $125 just for showing up. Will is the Man in all matters plumbing.
His latest effort on my behalf were the copper inserts that are used to splice the gray
plastic tubing to the standard copper pipe. The inserts have a brass fitting that fits to
the ID and OD of the gray tubing. They produce a leak proof bond that is far superior
to a sautered or glued fitting(PVC). An old copper pipe had burst in the wall between the
kitchen and garage. Before I turned off the valve at the street, lots and lots of gallons had been lost. Because of Will, my down time was reduced to about 4 hours, a livable interruption
considering the torrid life style I lead(HA!)