Salim at the downtown Vistek store saved me today from a ruthless camera store operator that wanted perhaps as much as 450 bucks to send my camera a nikon d600 back for the repair that nikon put a service advisory out they would repair for free. I mean I didnt believe them at Robinsons talking to Darrell the owner who even called the Nikon rep in front of me and asked and said he was told no guaruntee the repair was free as I had been told by Vistek and confirmed by the Camera Store, if it wasnt on warranty. While he was getting this 'confirmation' that they could potentially charge me for this repair I called Salim who had the service advisory stating it was an unconditional free repair including shipping on my phone in pdf in a few seconds and I was reading it to this 'authorized Nikon dealer' who claimed he wasnt aware of Nikons service advisory. I said that if he and his staff were that incompetent and untrustworthy I had better buy my Nikon 810 from Vistek.