Came in without a reservation on a chilly winter night and I was surprised to see that the restaurant was much smaller than what I had anticipated from the photos. This tiny 40 seater dining room was packed with just one waitress serving the dining room which made for a very slow evening.
We had to share a 6 person table with another couple who was already seated there. How very European, I thought. We ordered some a la carte sushi and a small sashimi platter with seaweed salad for our meal. The sashimi platter was very unimpressive as half of the platter was loaded with salmon. The lack of variety is really what took away from our experience and when we tried to order more a la carte sushi, we were told that they ran out of fish. Only fish they had were tuna and salmon! This explained the dominant presence of salmon in the sashimi platter. They also hadn't received their liquor license so we had to dine without our usual hot sake.
Overall, I'm not sure if I would go out of my way to eat fish here any time soon. I'll give them another chance later in the year when they will have worked all the bugs out of running a restaurant.