Credit is due where credit is due !!
We don't usually think of the big businesses as needing or caring about user input or reviews. But some businesses are so much a part of our everyday lives that we are the ones who forget how needed and important they are to our way of life. Subways are that kind of business for me -- I am a Registered Piano Technician, and I travel around the entire Phoenix valley, all the time. I noted today that 459 locations are available in the Phoenix valley. I stopped in a Subway today that happens to be the closest outlet to my home, and got to thinking how glad I am when traveling about to usually have a Subway location available. The food and the service is always consistent, and I know I can always rely on an interesting and satisfying lunch if I can find a Subway available. The Subway organization really has their "act" down, and it's always the same wherever you go. They are a real testimony to quality management and quality control in the business world. They have for years been a big help to me in my travels. So, Thanks, Subway !!