Stay away from this place. It is worth the drive to go Tempe Honda than to deal with Right. They apply every low brow car dealer tactic in the book. We were going to buy a 2018 Ridgeline from them, had a verbal deal in place via text message with Zach. But of course as soon as we drive all the way up there to complete the deal, Zach informs us his manager cannot let the vehicle go at the price we agreed on unless he stripped the splash guards, wheel locks and tint from the vehicle. Naturally, we were upset that this was not discussed before we drove all the way up there. Anyway we threatened to walk, and that is when the condescending behavior from Zach and the finance manager began. Needless, to say we ended up walking. We reached out to Tempe Honda who sold us the exact truck without stripping it of the accessories we were looking for at the price we wanted with no hassle or more importantly, lies. So, with the many Honda options in the Valley, I would recommend Tempe Honda or any other before Right Honda.