My husband and I found a groupon to do this while in Vegas on our honeymoon. At first we were unsure about how good it was going to be because we made reservations on Saturday to do it the following Monday and we didn't hear anything back until Sunday night at almost midnight on when we were supposed to be picked up. I do suggest giving them ample time to respond when making a reservation! That is really the only bad thing I can say because the tour itself was awesome! The guides are really nice and helpful. I was with one other girl and 7 guys and I was able to go at my own pace (definitely slower than the guys!) but didn't feel like I was holding anyone up because they do stop at different points just to make sure everyone is ok. My husband had a blast and once I got the hang of the ATV, I just had the best time! Definitely wear sunscreen because I did get a tad burnt! They pick you up and drop you back off at the hotel as well, which is cool because we never would have found our way there! We definitely recommend this for those looking for something to do off the beaten path!