Lush is great for a treat every once in awhile. Sure, it's all incredibly pricey for a generally one time use item that does the job that Dawn dish soap could do in your bath, but that's not the point! The point is to treat yourself to a nice relaxing bath with fancy frills and sometimes that means spending a little extra money for a relaxing evening.
The customer service here is always great and they help you find things that you may need or want or not need and not want...
You get instructions on the usage of some strange products and can even test some in the store. Just be careful, because it's easy to get overwhelmed, sniffing everything and touching stuff. Pace yourself and don't be afraid to tell the sometimes pushy staff to just let you be. Also, watch out for the glitter bath accessories. Don't touch unless you're ready to be glittered all day! (I think this is the worst idea--bathing in glitter? That can only end poorly.)
The products are all natural and gentle on your skin, which is also a plus for anyone like me whose skin freaks the eff out over any slight change in routine. Another fun aspect of the store are the slightly suggestive names for some of the products and the just plain silly names for others. The creative team for this company has got to have the most fun at work with those names and descriptions.
In general, just keep in mind that it's easy to get carried away in this store, but definitely stop in and give some products a try! They changed the way I look at baths forever.