These folks are as good as it gets!
After waiting in line an hour and a half at The Lockhart across the street and dealing with the headache of terrible wait times, and bizarre ideas among the staff what constitutes good service The Hogtown Cure saved my night out!
I was tired, cranky, and in no mood for foolish gimmicks. What I got was a Pulled pork sandwich and a beer and let me tell you my mood improved right away! I went from red in the face and fuming about my horrible night to in a wonderful, BBQ nirvana. I went from a serious grump to laughing with my friend and Girlfriend.
The atmosphere is cozy, the menu concise and they avoid my biggest pet peeve with modern 'gourmet BBQ' and didn't have a god-awful, soggy brioche bun but instead a crisp focaccia. Not only that but they didn't kick us out right away at close. They let us sit and chat and have a good time for 15 minutes after close before they let us know.
Fantastic food, fantastic staff and saved my night from being a total write off.
Would go back in a heart beat!