60 minute combo $20
Okay so I found a more affordable deal here and the perk is you pick a salt for your foot soak.
This place also has hot stone therapy including hot towels. My sensitivity to the hot stones has not been compromised either. I noticed they set it on top of the cloth that is used to cover you first to allow them to cool down a bit. I should mention yes you keep all your clothing on. They roll up your shirt in the back for the hot stone and back portion though.
And for the neck and shoulder knots, they find those things - promise. And they'll try to rid of those enemies. I didn't get the name of the masseuse, but hopefully they all do the migraine massage... like they target the tension at the base of your skull. The best especially if your work station doesn't have the proper ergonomic set up. Google that btw.
The reflexology portion of massage is included. I know some people hate it cuz they're ticklish, but instead of getting tickled it can friggin be painful. You know why though? Cuz if you walk, stand, wear heels, dance... whatever that's you're entire weight baring on your legs and feet. They don't joke pressing into the pressure points. You ever seen the chart for all the different nerve endings to your body's organs, that all sections of the bottom of your feet affect? Really interesting. But I believe in this stuff for your health and wellness.
Get it done! Yes frequent visitor stamp cards are available too! Btw for this place CALL AHEAD for appointments!