| - I've never been to urgent care before, so I Googled a few places first. Decided to go here because they open early on a Sunday and it was very convenient to home. The receptionist was friendly and I didn't have to wait long before being taken back to a room. The nurse asked me a series of questions, including if I smoke. I told her no. Never smoked in my life. I can't even stomach the smell. Also told her I've had a constant cough off and on since December, but recently it gotten worse and the day before my chest was hurting from coughing.
Afterwards the doctor came in and went on and on about my blood pressure being high. I get it, I should be on my meds for it, but I wasn't because I was taking cough medicine instead and my blood pressure is not always high. My primary doctor told me to monitor it daily and take my meds as needed. Told this to the doctor at urgent care and he gives me a weird look. Like I said I came because of my cough. I suspected it to be more than just a cough, no need to lecture me just because you don't like how my primary doctor is treating me for something else.
Anyways, he leaves and calls in some scripts. Diagnosis is bronchitis like I suspected. It's been going around in my office at work for a while now. The nurse comes in with my discharge paperwork. After I get home I read through it. My reason for visit: "The patient presents with a chief complaint of constant cough of the chest since 1 week ago. The problem is made better by smoking". Then under social history it states: "tobacco use: denies".
Now I'm no doctor or nurse, but I'm pretty sure a cough would not be made better by smoking. Especially when the patient specifically stated that they do not smoke ever. Not to mention I've had this cough since December. Maybe it's just me, but I like for my medical info to be accurate, whether or not I'm a long term or short term patient. Listing inaccurate medical information is completely unprofessional.
I don't get sick often, but when I do I'll just wait until the next business day for my primary doctor to see me. I won't be going back here.