Wow! What a difference a doctor who cares makes. When I saw Dr. Martin I had been diagnosed with a rare auto immune disease, afraid my running days were over, Dr. Martin gave me comfort in the idea that I needed to see more neurologists which eventually ruled against the first diagnosis. He also examined my knees and after 2 seconds, he told me I had chondromalacia. I was diagnosed with this nearly 14 years ago but thought I had overcome it and didn't think to relate my current issues with that diagnosis. It was shocking to me with all of the dr.s visits I had been to over the last couple years that nobody suggested I have my knees looked at knowing I am an athlete and that some of the symptoms I was experiencing that lead to the autoimmune diagnosis could in fact be related to my knees.
Dr. Martin sent my to physical therapy and within a month I was back to running at a level I enjoy and felt stronger. I am very grateful that I saw him and got a piece of my life back.
Every single day that I run I think of his office. From the way that I was treated by the reception desk, to the lady who did my X-rays and ultimately Dr. Martin, each one of them cared and it shows! Thank you!!!!